Seeing on a clairvoyant level is the ability to see energy in the form of colors and mental image pictures in the aura, the energy field around the body. The aura is the person's own universe and revealed within it are all of the reasons, history and motivations for their actions. Often the unconscious mind is easily revealed within the aura. By looking at your aura, the clairvoyant can see what is happening with you on an energy level. This, in turn, reflects what is happening with you in your physical environment. An experienced clairvoyant reader can read the colors in your aura and tell you what they mean at the present time. The clairvoyant also reads the mental image pictures you have stored in each of the seven layers of your aura to interpret your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state of affairs. In addition, she is able to see when someone ( a friend, relative, lover) is influencing your personal reality and help you move them out of the way.
Readings often allow a person to validate their own reality as well as receive new, fascinating and reliable information with which to improve their life. A clairvoyant reader does not solve problems or tell a person what to do, but merely informs them of what they are doing with their energy. This information can allow the person to make a decision or create something new with their energy. Old images and beliefs that were not serving them can be released and healing and spiritual growth can occur instantaneously.
*An aura reading can be performed out of trance using tarot cards, the palm or other visual tool.