Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Intuition Games

Each week my students share “miracle stories,” about how the intuitive techniques they learned in class are changing their lives. They learn to tune in to these subtle and not so subtle changes as they practice using their new intuitive tools at work and in their relationships.

For example, students practice grounding their workspace so that things run more smoothly with less chaos. One student who is a nurse found that when she did this, her days at the hospital were calmer and ended on time, a rare occurrence. Another student had difficulty getting along with a co-worker. She used her new intuitive tools to read and heal the relationship with this woman prior to her workday. After a couple of days, she noticed the co-worker become friendlier, more relaxed and willing to share. There was less stress between them and they even started to become friends.

Usually, students have the most fun playing games with their new intuitive skills. They practice beginning the day using their reading screen to envision or intend events in their day and seeing if they come true. Students learn that intuition works best in amusement and playfulness.

To play with your intuition:

1. Close your eyes with a smile.

2. Imagine a small movie screen out in front of your forehead.

3. Ask a question: “ e.g. What is the easiest way to make _____ happen?”

4. Tune in to the answer in the form of visions and any ideas

5. Trust that it is true and follow the directions.

6. Ask more questions for more clarification.

Where can I find ...?

One student needed a box for a special crystal she was giving her son for graduation. She dislikes shopping and had no idea how to begin. Using her new intuitive tools, she began by asking for a vision of this box – “What does the box look like?”. Rather than details, she just got a feeling for the box and a fuzzy vision on her screen. The idea of looking somewhere in the world for this perfect box was daunting and she had much resistance to starting the project. To reduce her resistance, she asked another question of her intuition: “What is the easiest, most effortless way to accomplish this task?” With her eyes closed, she looked for the answer on her reading screen. She saw a vision of a store in a nearby town. Along with this vision, she had the idea that she was to begin there and only visit three shops. If she didn’t find it at that time, she wasn’t supposed to find it that day. This allowed for her to motivate and release the resistance to starting since it was only three places and then she could come home.

She went to the store in her vision but surprisingly it was out of business. There were other stores open in the neighborhood, so she parked and went to two stores. She found nothing that matched the feeling of the box in her vision. Rather than be disappointed, she felt she had fulfilled the directions of her vision. She had looked at three stores and went to her car to go home. As she got into the car, she noticed another store close to where she parked. She stayed true to her intuitive vision and realized she had only gone into two stores – this was the third. She went into the store and amazingly it was filled with special, hand-carved wooden Tibetan boxes –perfect for her crystal!

Another student in class, after hearing her story, tried it out the following week. She had nothing in her closet to wear to a special occasion. She told herself she would look for a dress in only three shops but she didn’t want to spend much money. When she found nothing she liked in three mall shops, she came home. She was trusting her intuition and ability to make an intention. When she got home, she went into her closet and found the perfect outfit for the occasion. It had been there all along, she just hadn’t been able to see it. She didn’t have to spend any money!

If you are curious about all the miracles your own intuition can work for you, come to my interactive workshops called Intuition Games in Long Island and NYC. I also teach 10 week courses (20 hours) in Intuitive Development. Contact me to sign up or for more questions.