Is your heart as light as a feather?
Often we don't notice how little we are able to see the people around us.
We may commonly only notice the physical appearance and behavior of the people in our daily lives. We may complain that they are too closed-minded, negative and insensitive. These opinions or judgments create heaviness in our hearts preventing us from seeing and saying hello to others on a spiritual level.
You become more clairvoyant the more you release judgment.
When you are in judgment, it takes away your ability to “see” others clearly and have compassion. Each soul is on an evolutionary journey. Rather than compassion for this person’s challenges, we project thoughts onto or about that person that negates the value of that person’s essence. Compassion is the ability to “see” the other person as a capable, whole being facing challenges on their spiritual path. It is the ability to keep an open, neutral heart and vision of them.
The Ancient Egyptians knew that judgmental thoughts, attitudes and actions created a heavy heart.
The Ancient Egyptians believed the heart was the center of the soul’s memory, emotion and thoughts. They knew it grew heavy with negative thoughts. As immortal beings, they knew they would need a light heart to move on to the next level of spiritual awareness. According to The Book of the Dead, upon death, the heart was weighed on the scales of justice against the feather of Ma’at. They believed that if the heart was heavier than the feather, it would be eaten immediately by Ammut the Devourer, a crocodile-lion monster. Once the heart was eaten, the soul would cease to exist. Thus, heaviness of the heart was greatly feared. Good deeds and positive thoughts kept the heart light and the soul alive.
In order to ensure a light heart, Ancient Egyptians often visualized their heart on a scale with the feather, always in balance.
This picture was painted on tombs to guarantee their soul’s survival. They also used a protective scarab beetle amulet inscribed with a prayer asking the heart to not betray any heaviness to the Keeper of Balance.
For Practice Now:
*Close your eyes and visualize your heart being weighed on a scale against a feather.
* If it is not balanced, see the color in your heart that represents the heaviness.
*Create lightness in your heart with the words “peace” and “love” “forgiveness” and allow any heaviness in the form of that color to release from the heart.
*Now see it balanced and notice the color of your heart at its lightest state.
*Think about someone and the judgments you have about them. Watch your heart respond.
*Watch the scales tip. Sometimes a long way!
*See the weight as a color on your heart – that’s the judgment!
*Imagine that you can erase that color off the heart with the words “peace” and “harmony” and scales go into balance with that color of balance your first saw.
* You are creating a healing.
*Practice saying words such as love, peace and harmony as you look at your heart.
The Universe does not allow “side” thoughts, every word produces heaviness or lightness in the heart. Your heart is ultra-sensitive and responds to every word. Fear, lack, worry, anger produce heaviness, while non-dual thoughts of love, joy, peace produce lightness.
From this activity, you realize that non-forgiveness and judgment hurt you more than it hurts anyone else. (Scientists have found that these words create actual inflammation in the heart tissue.)
When you stop judging yourself and others, you begin to “see” them for the valuable spirits having a human experience. This allows for compassion, a light heart and a clear vision.