Monday, December 12, 2011

The Power of Clairvoyant Healing

Every year at this time we revisit Charles Dickens’ story “A Christmas Carol,” in which Scrooge experiences a profound transformation after having a spiritual experience. He changes from an unhappy and stingy man to a joyful and generous, loving soul in one night.

Scrooge, a dark character with a lack of awareness and connections to the people around him, sees the world in a very limited way. He has not brought his past and future into his present choices and experiences. It is hard for him to connect with others and be generous with all that he has created in his life. Marley, the ghost of his business partner, warns him that his negativity is creating a heavy, growing chain that he must bear and experience as the regret of living an unfulfilled life.

For Christmas, Scrooge gets a gift of ghosts who are his spirit guides who show him his true self and ability to connect with others. The ghosts show him how the events and reactions of his past have affected his present way of being. They show him a potential future of “shadows” of things that may be but can be altered through choice and new action.

When Scrooge becomes enlightened to his past, present and future – he sees his true nature and the possibilities for change, growth and connections in his life. He shows enthusiasm, joy and a new perspective. He learns that he can change the course of his life through choice and action. “I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.” – Scrooge in A Christmas Carol

Scrooge is an example, though extreme, of many of us who have become stuck with the same beliefs and “ba humbug” mentality that is present in the world. “What’s the use?”, “What difference can I make?” Many people feel stuck but don’t know what to do to change. You may hear it in the complaints or negative thoughts and comments to friends and family. We all have the fear that we may not live our lives fully and be left with regrets.

A clairvoyant reading can serve as a gift of an awakening much like Scrooge’s. In a reading, I see your spirit’s calling and what you are here to do in this lifetime. I look at the relationships in your life and see which ones are growing, fulfilling or outgrown. I make you aware of old beliefs from your past, even in past lives, that may be preventing you from moving forward toward a bold and happy life. I can see what you are creating for your future. As a clairvoyant teacher, I can offer tools that can help you move forward and make the changes and life choices to bring you what you want faster and with more joy.

A reading can be combined with your New Year’s Resolutions to serve as a starting point or as a place to see the truth of what you are creating and what to let go of in order to let your new goals manifest.

As Scrooge was enlightened in one night, a clairvoyant reading goes deep in a very short period of time to enlighten you, bring in new answers, levels of awareness and a new perspective from which to move into your future and positively affect your relationships, health and career. Multiple clairvoyant readings can enhance your choices and actions as you grow and take on your new perspective.

Readings for an hour or half hour can take place in person or over the phone. All the readings are recorded allowing you to listen multiple times. Readings make great gifts for friends and family. You can purchase a gift certificate through my website or by contacting me directly.

I wish you a happy, joyous holiday season and an inspired New Year!

Testimonials for Tori's Clairvoyant Readings:

"Tori is a very gifted and humorous healer. The first reading I had with her truly changed my life. She was astoundingly specific. I couldn't believe how clearly and easily she helped me to address and begin healing some very painful issues. She taught me several tools to ground myself and literally shift the energy in my life that I wanted to clear out. I left that first reading very empowered and could actually feel all of the emotional and energetic blockages I had built up breaking down and falling away. Not long after, I signed up to take her class and I am so happy that I did. I'm learning many healing techniques, both for myself and others, but I am also becoming reeducated about the way that energy actually works, which in turn is changing my whole perspective on life. I couldn't recommend her more highly. "
– Julie J. (Professional Actor)

I found my session with Tori to be remarkably helpful and insightful...the effect was utterly illuminating, like seeing plainly what was there all along but had previously been in shadow and somewhat invisible...and of course, like so many things in our lives, once seen, action can be boldly taken...and therein lies the healing...
– Patti Vunk, owner, Dolphin Bookshop, Port Washington, NY

I wasn’t certain what to expect with a reading, much less one occurring over the phone, but I was intrigued by a handful of friends who had positive experiences with Tori in this same format. What I received was completely unexpected. Moving beyond the numerous “Wow!” reactions to insight that Tori provided, I had not anticipated receipt of such a thoughtful and genuine acknowledgment of me. I feel like the experience not only enlightened me, but it also lightened the load of things that I was carrying. It is obvious that Tori has an incredible talent, but it is also matched by her willingness to educate and inform. I feel fortunate that she is able to share her gift, and know that it is only a matter of time before I pick up the phone again!
– Jennifer, Austin, TX

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Clairvoyance, Past Lives and Essential OIls

Our sense of smell is closely related to our emotions and memories. For example, when we smell a certain perfume or food aroma we may think of being five years old in our grandmother's house. A smell will trigger memories and feelings of another time. Our sense of smell is also closely connected with our clairvoyance -- located in the forehead area. This is the area of your imagination and knowledge. You can bring more of your clairvoyance alive in your body when you imagine the smell of a place or situation and even bring forth past life memories.

Imagine the ancient Hanging Gardens of Babylon. As you visualize this also include the smell. Allow yourself to take in the smell of frankincense, jasmine, neroli orange flowers, and myrrh. Or imagine the smell of sage and sweetgrass in early Native American ceremonies. Perhaps you take in the smell of lavender you inhaled to stay healthy in medieval times during the plague. As a sailor during the 15th Century, you can remember the smell of the ship - the wood and tar that made it.

How keen is your sense of smell? This can be developed through your clairvoyance, or imagination, and experimenting with essential oils. Can you imagine the smell of an ancient place? Your sense of smell is your direct connection to your clairvoyant experience and memories. Your olfactory nerve is located in the same area in your forehead as your clairvoyant center. The first time I smelled the essential oil of neroli, I was transported into ancient Egypt. I learned that this essence, which comes from an orange tree, was the essential oil of the pharaohs. Some essential oils are extremely ancient - spikenard, rose, lavender, frankincense and myrrh. Essential oils were used for protection, healing and grounding in ceremonies and homes. When you smell something as potent as an essential oil, your memories of this lifetime and even past lifetimes can be awakened.

“It reminds me of...”

Essential oils, chemical essences of plants distilled in a very concentrated form, can heal on energetic and emotional levels. Each oil comes from different parts of a plant or tree. When you smell an essential oil, various parts of your body will be triggered and you can intuitively remember or know their use in healing or your experience in a past life.

Match "body" parts

To use essential oils for healing, you can match the part of the plant the essence came from to that part of your body. For example, eucalyptus leaf oil comes from the leaves of the tree which are the respiratory system of the tree. Matching to our bodies, the eucalyptus leaf oil will assist in healing our lungs and respiratory system. For grounding, try a root or wood oil such as vetiver, rosewood, or cedarwood. Wood oils are also great for energy protection since they are the bark that protects the tree. Experiment by smelling different essential oils to know what will work best for what you are feeling in your body. Place a dot of the oil periodically on your wrist during the day. You can also quickly diffuse an essential oil by placing a couple of drops onto a room heater or warm radiator. Use an uplifting essential oil such as orange or lavender. These prevent illness as well. You can create an uplifiting blend by placing 15 drops of grapefruit, 10 drops of rosemary and 5 drops of lavender into a spray bottle filled with warm water. You can shake it up and spray it all around your house or office.

You can learn to tune-in to essential oils, their healing properties and your personal connection with them, in my upcoming Intuitive Aromatherapy Workshop on December 10 with Lisa Bondy, RYT. You will open up your intuition through yoga and meditation . Then you will experience over 60 different essential oils to learn their properties for healing and blending and even trigger memories of past lives. You will make your own signature blend and a body scrub. Just in time for the Holidays. Please see website:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Magic Spells, Miracles, and Ancient Egypt 2018

Do you believe in miracles and magic? You can check your heart to find out.
As a clairvoyant I get questions about the future. “Will I do well in the stock market this year?” “Will I get married someday?” To answer, I usually look to the person’s heart – the place of commitment to their dreams.
I notice that many people have unlimited visions and possibilities for their lives but often have a limited amount of space in their heart to receive something they envision. The heart holds our ability to say “yes” when opportunities come along that move us toward our hopes and dreams. If you want something but don’t believe you can really create it or have it, then your heart is not in it often blocking the opportunity. In this way, it takes a long time to manifest your dreams– if at all.
How is your willingness to believe in your heart affect how quickly miracles show up in your life?
The ancient Egyptians deeply understood this relationship with the heart and its effect on receiving (or blocking) miracles of our visions. To protect themselves, they carried a special amulet in the shape of a scarab made especially for the heart. The magic spell “do not be opposed”was inscribed on the scarab as an instruction to the wearer’s heart to stay open and light. The wearer used this magic amulet during their lives and also in death (in the mummy wrappings) to keep their heart light and free of heavy doubt and worry.
The wadjet eye was another popular protective amulet which contained magic to keep the wearer’s vision open.
The two amulets together create the mantra: My heart is open and my vision is clear.
You can use this magic spell or mantra to to open your heart to saying "yes," so that more miracles can manifest in your life.
You can see hundreds of examples of these Ancient Egyptian amulets and open your heart and vision at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on the Tours with Tori: Instant Pilgrimage to Ancient Egypt tour, August 18, 2018. Contact Tori for details on these "instant" pilgrimages: 516-423-1794.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Power of Spiritual Travel

Is there a place you have always yearned to visit? This deep feeling could be a past life or a sacred place calling you.

For several years, I had the opportunity to manage Déjà vu Tours, a spiritual tour company within the Berkeley Psychic Institute. I led spiritual pilgrimages of thirty or more people to places all over the world. We traveled to spiritual sites and met with healers in the Philippines and Brazil. On these trips, we used techniques to reclaim our energy from places where we had experienced past lives. We also received healings from healers and sacred sites.

Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to England and visit Stonehenge and the Haunted Abbey at Beaulieu. Whenever I travel, I am looking to reclaim energy from places that feel powerful. Even my hometown contains places like my high school or a friend’s house that hold energy I left behind. The more you stay aware and use your intuition; you can retrieve this stuck energy, and have more energy to create what you want today.

What is a spiritual pilgrimage?

Traditionally, in ancient times, a spiritual pilgrimage entailed travel to a holy place. Most people traveled for business or religious reasons rather than pleasure. Today, when we travel for pleasure we can also incorporate spiritual growth and awareness into the trip. You can use intuitive techniques to reclaim your energy from past lives and visit sacred sites that offer healing. When you turn your trip into a spiritual pilgrimage, you return from the trip changed and with more energy and understanding of yourself than when you left.

Where on Earth have you left your energy?

Close your eyes and imagine you are looking at the Earth from outer space. Notice that the world is gently spinning, showing you its surface. See the continents of the Earth and notice if there are feelings in your body – of excitement, familiarity, or yearning as you envision different areas of this globe. Perhaps you notice places you’ve always wanted to visit or have a curiosity about but have not had the chance to go. Notice or think of places on the globe that emit a strong feeling for you. These feelings come from a spiritual sense of knowing or recognizing energy or past experiences you have had in that place. Perhaps there is a sacred site you wished to go to in other lifetimes and now is your chance!

Here are some techniques to turn your travel into a spiritual pilgrimage.

These techniques are fun and energizing as you travel. They work separately or all together. They provide the awareness you need to pull your energy back to you!

Note: It is more fun to use them before an official tour of the area or building. Use your intuition to gather all the ideas first and write them down. Then take the tour and you’ll be surprised how much you already know! These techniques can be used for any area or building you may find that interests you or “lights you up” in some way.

Your body contains sensors in the feet, hands, head and stomach you can use to read the energy around you.

Use your feet to avoid jet lag!

Your feet have energy centers or chakras in the arches to orient you on the planet. They bring in earth energy and the surface attitude of the place where you are. You can find out about the attitudes and history of an entire area just by walking and letting your feet connect with that part of the earth.

With intention, think of your feet bringing in the earth energy from this new place. Let go of thoughts of home, and give your feet permission to bring up the earth energy from deep down in the place you are now visiting. When I traveled to England, I avoided jet lag by simply picturing the color for English soil and imagining what it was like underneath the streets of London. This gave my body the information to match this place and the time zone and attitudes of this place and avoid jet lag.

Use your hands to read the energy of a building, area or an object.

Hold up your hands, turning your palms out. You are directing your intuition to receive information into your body and to feel physical or emotional sensations. Sometimes you will see a vision or have a strong idea come into your mind. By directing the palms of your hand toward an area, holding an object or touching something, (a wall or statue for example), you are opening up your intuition to receive information that is beyond your ordinary experience.

“Tune In” through the crown of your head.

Let yourself wear a “hat” of your favorite color on top of your head. Become aware of the top of your head receiving ideas and answers like an antenna. Let anything come to mind about this place that interests you.

Ask questions:

Have I lived here before?

What do I already know about this place?

How did this place look a hundred years ago? What did it sound like? What did it feel like?

Let the answers come in right after you ask. Trust what you imagine.

While at the Beaulieu Abbey, I sat on a bench in the area of rubble that used to be the center of the building. I tuned in through my crown and thought of rows of men walking two by two. When I watched my vision of these men, I realized they were actively communicating with each other but silently. They had their telepathic powers working so well it was profound. I got the feeling they were not allowed to talk. Later, I found out on the tour that the monks moved around the grounds right on that spot, in lines two-by-two and silence was the strict rule while walking.

What’s Your Gut Feeling?

Sometimes the reaction is purely physical. Do you feel excited or do you feel fear or a sense of dread near the area? Feel it, then move your attention up from the gut (area around the navel and stomach) to the crown of the head to get a more neutral reading.

You can practice on old buildings or sacred sites such as churches or cemeteries where you live now. You can make a spiritual pilgrimage right where you live!

I offer travel readings on the phone or in-person to help you visualize, create and prepare for a trip, giving tips on how to make an ordinary trip into a pilgrimage. Find out about the places you yearn to go, the past lives you may have had in those places. A reading after a trip can also be helpful to confirm or clarify your experiences.

Bon Voyage!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Intuition Games

Each week my students share “miracle stories,” about how the intuitive techniques they learned in class are changing their lives. They learn to tune in to these subtle and not so subtle changes as they practice using their new intuitive tools at work and in their relationships.

For example, students practice grounding their workspace so that things run more smoothly with less chaos. One student who is a nurse found that when she did this, her days at the hospital were calmer and ended on time, a rare occurrence. Another student had difficulty getting along with a co-worker. She used her new intuitive tools to read and heal the relationship with this woman prior to her workday. After a couple of days, she noticed the co-worker become friendlier, more relaxed and willing to share. There was less stress between them and they even started to become friends.

Usually, students have the most fun playing games with their new intuitive skills. They practice beginning the day using their reading screen to envision or intend events in their day and seeing if they come true. Students learn that intuition works best in amusement and playfulness.

To play with your intuition:

1. Close your eyes with a smile.

2. Imagine a small movie screen out in front of your forehead.

3. Ask a question: “ e.g. What is the easiest way to make _____ happen?”

4. Tune in to the answer in the form of visions and any ideas

5. Trust that it is true and follow the directions.

6. Ask more questions for more clarification.

Where can I find ...?

One student needed a box for a special crystal she was giving her son for graduation. She dislikes shopping and had no idea how to begin. Using her new intuitive tools, she began by asking for a vision of this box – “What does the box look like?”. Rather than details, she just got a feeling for the box and a fuzzy vision on her screen. The idea of looking somewhere in the world for this perfect box was daunting and she had much resistance to starting the project. To reduce her resistance, she asked another question of her intuition: “What is the easiest, most effortless way to accomplish this task?” With her eyes closed, she looked for the answer on her reading screen. She saw a vision of a store in a nearby town. Along with this vision, she had the idea that she was to begin there and only visit three shops. If she didn’t find it at that time, she wasn’t supposed to find it that day. This allowed for her to motivate and release the resistance to starting since it was only three places and then she could come home.

She went to the store in her vision but surprisingly it was out of business. There were other stores open in the neighborhood, so she parked and went to two stores. She found nothing that matched the feeling of the box in her vision. Rather than be disappointed, she felt she had fulfilled the directions of her vision. She had looked at three stores and went to her car to go home. As she got into the car, she noticed another store close to where she parked. She stayed true to her intuitive vision and realized she had only gone into two stores – this was the third. She went into the store and amazingly it was filled with special, hand-carved wooden Tibetan boxes –perfect for her crystal!

Another student in class, after hearing her story, tried it out the following week. She had nothing in her closet to wear to a special occasion. She told herself she would look for a dress in only three shops but she didn’t want to spend much money. When she found nothing she liked in three mall shops, she came home. She was trusting her intuition and ability to make an intention. When she got home, she went into her closet and found the perfect outfit for the occasion. It had been there all along, she just hadn’t been able to see it. She didn’t have to spend any money!

If you are curious about all the miracles your own intuition can work for you, come to my interactive workshops called Intuition Games in Long Island and NYC. I also teach 10 week courses (20 hours) in Intuitive Development. Contact me to sign up or for more questions.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

As Within, So Without: Letting Go to Get What You Want

Recently I’ve been fascinated with watching the TV show Hoarders which documents people who have extraordinarily too much stuff. My mouth hangs open as each room in their house is revealed to be so full of items that they no longer can walk through them, much less sleep or cook in them. They have lost their friends and family over this chaos. Hoarding is defined as a mental disorder marked by an obsessive need to acquire and keep things even if the items are worthless, hazardous or unsanitary. These people take it to the level where the rooms in their homes can no longer be used for their original function. Clearly, the people being featured have a form of mental illness. They can’t stop collecting stuff from garbage cans, garage sales and have lost all perspective on space. The people seem especially deranged as they display panic and deep loss when items such as an old boot or a rat infested box are taken to the dump truck. They seem to be threatened with their own survival and are deeply connected on a personal level to these unsanitary items that threaten their lives and the lives of their families. As an avid viewer of the show, I am awestruck by their extreme reaction to the situation. They are “sick” because they can’t stop collecting and holding on to useless items – they don’t even know it’s a problem even though they have to use the bathroom in a nearby restaurant or eat from a backyard barbecue stove. Until I realize…

What are you holding onto?

How often do we experience terror and anxiety over the idea of losing things in our lives, including beliefs that are threatening our own survival? We may have a job that has grown toxic, a relationship that is obviously not good for us, an eating or drinking habit, or a belief that we are not good enough cluttering our lives – even threatening it? We may even be unaware of the danger these situations are causing us. Even when alerted by our intuition, friends and family who are seeing the pain it is causing us, we won’t let go. Viewers of our own “hoarders” show cannot understand why we don’t just “dump him,” tell the boss to take a hike, move on to greener pastures, believe in ourselves.

Letting go of what no longer serves you

The truth is that you can’t create something new until you get rid of the old stuff – purge to make room for something new. The same applies to all your creations - situations in life, relationships, energetic thoughts, images and beliefs that crowd your own space.

“Hoarders,” the television show, is cathartic because it ends with the hoarding victims getting help and being completely cleared of the mess, revealing whole living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms. Their homes and lives are saved; the sick victims, their families and friends are smiling and grateful. They are born again into hope and a bright new future. They will need support, but we believe they are going to be okay. It also makes me reflect on my own mess inside and out.

Letting go is a way to create something new

Many people ask me to look at their future. I look for what they are creating or why are their hopes and desires taking so long to manifest. In these readings, I will often see their aura cluttered with thoughts, people, stories, worries that have been absorbed. Most of which they are unaware of until I mention them. A healing occurs in the readee when their spirit identifies these as no longer serving and with amusement they fall away. A reading clears the clutter and opens one up to bring in new creative ideas and information that has just been waiting to come in.

Spiritual growth is a process of elimination and making room for enlightenment.

Notice the ideas, situations and creations that no longer serve. Let them go.

The need to hold on comes from the fear of not being able to create what you need in the future. “I may need that.” There is a lack of faith in your own creative ability. There is also a clinging to the past and a fear that what you created before was the best you could do. Having faith, or trust in your own creativity is only experienced when you completely let go without having something else or somebody else there. Destroying something you created when it no longer serves you is just as important as the creation process itself.

Creating and Destroying

My clairvoyant development students find the following technique to be most helpful in their lives immediately.

Try This:

Rose Blowing Technique

Close your eyes and imagine a screen out in front of you.

See a beautiful rose on the screen.

Notice the color and state of the rose – open wide or more closed.

Flick your fingers at the image of the rose and watch the rose explode and disappear.

See your screen as clear.

Repeat 5 times.

When you practice creating and destroying images, you increase your faith in your own creative process. You are also letting go of particular clutter at the same time. Each image you see holds energy. When you additionally label the image of the rose as a lover, a problem, or a fearful thought and then blow it up, you gain power over those ideas and eventually amusement.

By clearing your inner space, it’s easier to let go of the outer. The situations and relationships that don’t serve simply get redirected and synchronicity takes over.

Are you polluting the world or cleaning up the mess? You are responsible for your inner space; nobody else is; just as you are responsible for the planet. As within, so without: If humans clear inner pollution, then they will also cease to create outer pollution. Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now