Do you believe in miracles and magic? You can check your heart to find out.
As a clairvoyant I get questions about the future. “Will I do well in the stock market this year?” “Will I get married someday?” To answer, I usually look to the person’s heart – the place of commitment to their dreams.
I notice that many people have unlimited visions and possibilities for their lives but often have a limited amount of space in their heart to receive something they envision. The heart holds our ability to say “yes” when opportunities come along that move us toward our hopes and dreams. If you want something but don’t believe you can really create it or have it, then your heart is not in it often blocking the opportunity. In this way, it takes a long time to manifest your dreams– if at all.
How is your willingness to believe in your heart affect how quickly miracles show up in your life?
The ancient Egyptians deeply understood this relationship with the heart and its effect on receiving (or blocking) miracles of our visions. To protect themselves, they carried a special amulet in the shape of a scarab made especially for the heart. The magic spell “do not be opposed”was inscribed on the scarab as an instruction to the wearer’s heart to stay open and light. The wearer used this magic amulet during their lives and also in death (in the mummy wrappings) to keep their heart light and free of heavy doubt and worry.
The wadjet eye was another popular protective amulet which contained magic to keep the wearer’s vision open.
The two amulets together create the mantra: My heart is open and my vision is clear.
You can use this magic spell or mantra to to open your heart to saying "yes," so that more miracles can manifest in your life.
You can see hundreds of examples of these Ancient Egyptian amulets and open your heart and vision at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on the Tours with Tori: Instant Pilgrimage to Ancient Egypt tour, August 18, 2018. Contact Tori for details on these "instant" pilgrimages: 516-423-1794.