Our sense of smell is closely related to our emotions and memories. For example, when we smell a certain perfume or food aroma we may think of being five years old in our grandmother's house. A smell will trigger memories and feelings of another time. Our sense of smell is also closely connected with our clairvoyance -- located in the forehead area. This is the area of your imagination and knowledge. You can bring more of your clairvoyance alive in your body when you imagine the smell of a place or situation and even bring forth past life memories.
Imagine the ancient Hanging Gardens of Babylon. As you visualize this also include the smell. Allow yourself to take in the smell of frankincense, jasmine, neroli orange flowers, and myrrh. Or imagine the smell of sage and sweetgrass in early Native American ceremonies. Perhaps you take in the smell of lavender you inhaled to stay healthy in medieval times during the plague. As a sailor during the 15th Century, you can remember the smell of the ship - the wood and tar that made it.
How keen is your sense of smell? This can be developed through your clairvoyance, or imagination, and experimenting with essential oils. Can you imagine the smell of an ancient place? Your sense of smell is your direct connection to your clairvoyant experience and memories. Your olfactory nerve is located in the same area in your forehead as your clairvoyant center. The first time I smelled the essential oil of neroli, I was transported into ancient Egypt. I learned that this essence, which comes from an orange tree, was the essential oil of the pharaohs. Some essential oils are extremely ancient - spikenard, rose, lavender, frankincense and myrrh. Essential oils were used for protection, healing and grounding in ceremonies and homes. When you smell something as potent as an essential oil, your memories of this lifetime and even past lifetimes can be awakened.
“It reminds me of...”
Essential oils, chemical essences of plants distilled in a very concentrated form, can heal on energetic and emotional levels. Each oil comes from different parts of a plant or tree. When you smell an essential oil, various parts of your body will be triggered and you can intuitively remember or know their use in healing or your experience in a past life.
Match "body" parts
To use essential oils for healing, you can match the part of the plant the essence came from to that part of your body. For example, eucalyptus leaf oil comes from the leaves of the tree which are the respiratory system of the tree. Matching to our bodies, the eucalyptus leaf oil will assist in healing our lungs and respiratory system. For grounding, try a root or wood oil such as vetiver, rosewood, or cedarwood. Wood oils are also great for energy protection since they are the bark that protects the tree. Experiment by smelling different essential oils to know what will work best for what you are feeling in your body. Place a dot of the oil periodically on your wrist during the day. You can also quickly diffuse an essential oil by placing a couple of drops onto a room heater or warm radiator. Use an uplifting essential oil such as orange or lavender. These prevent illness as well. You can create an uplifiting blend by placing 15 drops of grapefruit, 10 drops of rosemary and 5 drops of lavender into a spray bottle filled with warm water. You can shake it up and spray it all around your house or office.
You can learn to tune-in to essential oils, their healing properties and your personal connection with them, in my upcoming Intuitive Aromatherapy Workshop on December 10 with Lisa Bondy, RYT. You will open up your intuition through yoga and meditation . Then you will experience over 60 different essential oils to learn their properties for healing and blending and even trigger memories of past lives. You will make your own signature blend and a body scrub. Just in time for the Holidays. Please see website: www.makingscentsyoga.com.