Every year at this time we revisit Charles Dickens’ story “A Christmas Carol,” in which Scrooge experiences a profound transformation after having a spiritual experience. He changes from an unhappy and stingy man to a joyful and generous, loving soul in one night.
Scrooge, a dark character with a lack of awareness and connections to the people around him, sees the world in a very limited way. He has not brought his past and future into his present choices and experiences. It is hard for him to connect with others and be generous with all that he has created in his life. Marley, the ghost of his business partner, warns him that his negativity is creating a heavy, growing chain that he must bear and experience as the regret of living an unfulfilled life.
For Christmas, Scrooge gets a gift of ghosts who are his spirit guides who show him his true self and ability to connect with others. The ghosts show him how the events and reactions of his past have affected his present way of being. They show him a potential future of “shadows” of things that may be but can be altered through choice and new action.
When Scrooge becomes enlightened to his past, present and future – he sees his true nature and the possibilities for change, growth and connections in his life. He shows enthusiasm, joy and a new perspective. He learns that he can change the course of his life through choice and action. “I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.” – Scrooge in A Christmas Carol
Scrooge is an example, though extreme, of many of us who have become stuck with the same beliefs and “ba humbug” mentality that is present in the world. “What’s the use?”, “What difference can I make?” Many people feel stuck but don’t know what to do to change. You may hear it in the complaints or negative thoughts and comments to friends and family. We all have the fear that we may not live our lives fully and be left with regrets.
A clairvoyant reading can serve as a gift of an awakening much like Scrooge’s. In a reading, I see your spirit’s calling and what you are here to do in this lifetime. I look at the relationships in your life and see which ones are growing, fulfilling or outgrown. I make you aware of old beliefs from your past, even in past lives, that may be preventing you from moving forward toward a bold and happy life. I can see what you are creating for your future. As a clairvoyant teacher, I can offer tools that can help you move forward and make the changes and life choices to bring you what you want faster and with more joy.
A reading can be combined with your New Year’s Resolutions to serve as a starting point or as a place to see the truth of what you are creating and what to let go of in order to let your new goals manifest.
As Scrooge was enlightened in one night, a clairvoyant reading goes deep in a very short period of time to enlighten you, bring in new answers, levels of awareness and a new perspective from which to move into your future and positively affect your relationships, health and career. Multiple clairvoyant readings can enhance your choices and actions as you grow and take on your new perspective.
Readings for an hour or half hour can take place in person or over the phone. All the readings are recorded allowing you to listen multiple times. Readings make great gifts for friends and family. You can purchase a gift certificate through my website or by contacting me directly.
I wish you a happy, joyous holiday season and an inspired New Year!
Testimonials for Tori's Clairvoyant Readings:
"Tori is a very gifted and humorous healer. The first reading I had with her truly changed my life. She was astoundingly specific. I couldn't believe how clearly and easily she helped me to address and begin healing some very painful issues. She taught me several tools to ground myself and literally shift the energy in my life that I wanted to clear out. I left that first reading very empowered and could actually feel all of the emotional and energetic blockages I had built up breaking down and falling away. Not long after, I signed up to take her class and I am so happy that I did. I'm learning many healing techniques, both for myself and others, but I am also becoming reeducated about the way that energy actually works, which in turn is changing my whole perspective on life. I couldn't recommend her more highly. "
– Julie J. (Professional Actor)
I found my session with Tori to be remarkably helpful and insightful...the effect was utterly illuminating, like seeing plainly what was there all along but had previously been in shadow and somewhat invisible...and of course, like so many things in our lives, once seen, action can be boldly taken...and therein lies the healing...
– Patti Vunk, owner, Dolphin Bookshop, Port Washington, NY
I wasn’t certain what to expect with a reading, much less one occurring over the phone, but I was intrigued by a handful of friends who had positive experiences with Tori in this same format. What I received was completely unexpected. Moving beyond the numerous “Wow!” reactions to insight that Tori provided, I had not anticipated receipt of such a thoughtful and genuine acknowledgment of me. I feel like the experience not only enlightened me, but it also lightened the load of things that I was carrying. It is obvious that Tori has an incredible talent, but it is also matched by her willingness to educate and inform. I feel fortunate that she is able to share her gift, and know that it is only a matter of time before I pick up the phone again!
– Jennifer, Austin, TX