The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, Machu Picchu in Peru, Mt. Shasta in California, Stonehenge in England, Ayers Rock in Australia, Sedona in Arizona – these are just some of what are considered the world’s most sacred sites. Since Ancient times, people have been drawn to go on pilgrimages to these sites to reclaim energy, gain insights and connect to something deeper within themselves. What is so special about these places?
I had the opportunity to travel to Sedona last week and was able to experience firsthand a
fine example of one of these powerful healing forces on the planet. Sedona contains a high number of vortexes or centers where the “life force” of the Earth is coagulated into funnels of energy.
The planet Earth is a living being, and much like our own bodies, the Earth has both physical and spiritual aspects. Vortexes on the Earth are similar to the energy centers in our bodies, called chakras. These vortexes hold electromagnetic properties which contribute to the harmony between all life forms on the planet.
All the vortexes on the planet actually connect to each other depending on their type -- electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic -- forming grid lines around the planet. Visiting these vortex areas can help you to maintain health and balance within your body, emotions, mind and spirit by allowing you to experience the
natural healing energy flow of the life force distributed along this grid throughout the entire planet.
For example, Bell Rock in Sedona, (pictured here) is a natural, electrical vortex. As I walked around it, I was simultaneously connected, through this grid, to other electrical vortexes around the world such as Mt Shasta in California, the Grand Canyon, Mt Everest in the Himalayas, and Mt. McKinley in Alaska. By imagining the Earth as having an energetic system, we can relate to the planet and better feel our interconnectedness.
Bell Rock is also considered to be a “beacon” vortex, providing an opening or a portal that connects our planet with other planets and celestial bodies outside our solar system. From this place, Earth sends out energy to the Universe
as well as receives it by contributing to a “celestial grid.” Visiting this spot allows you to connect with your higher consciousness and sensitize to your own connection with other dimensions and unlimited possibilities.
On my walk around Bell Rock, I was able to find evidence of the vortex energy in the twisted trees and sandstone rocks shaped into perfectly round balls called “vortex stones.” The areas containing the twisted trees were especially potent. I chose to meditate in those areas and connect with the earth and the celestial realm. (see photo)
I suggest doing the following when visiting a sacred site or vortex:
· Carry a quartz crystal to capture the energy there. You can amplify and contain it in the crystal to take home with you.
· Meditate. First walk through the area as a walking meditation. Pay attention to the earth energy moving up through your feet and into your legs – feel the earth ; when you find a “potent” area that makes you feel good or inspired, sit down, close your eyes and feel the energy work on your body and chakras.
· Stay open-minded and ready to receive any insights, healings or experiences that come to you.
· Intend/Pray. Ask for a healing, a transformation or assistance with something you need or want in your life and know your request is amplified.
· Take pictures with a digital camera to capture the fluctuations in energy. It will look like orbs, bursts of light or even forms such as faces or animals. I used my cell phone and I still captured an energy photo.
"Spirit" photos are best taken with curiosity and play. If you are too serious about catching the spirits on camera, they don’t show up as easily. (See photo featuring orbs and light)
Energy vortexes occur all over the planet. You can find healing, electromagnetically charged terrain or man-made vortexes in your local area or state. Natural ones occur as waterfalls, volcanoes, mountains, wooded areas, deserts, or lakes. Look for interesting formations that provide the funneling effect (like the twisted tree). Often these areas have already been discovered by others and are considered important places to visit. I like to go to places considered “mystery” spots whether it’s natural or man-made.
I offer local power point tours in the NYC area through the Spirituality & the City series. You can also sign up for a spiritual tour of well-known sites around the world. Power Places Tours offers trips that feature key-note speakers such as Gregg Braden or Lynn Andrews as well.
Opening yourself up to the spiritual energy of the planet allows you to expand and use more of what the planet Earth has to offer. Happy Earth Day!