You are a Light Bulb--Raise Your Wattage!
I have a special relationship with light bulbs. There are always a couple of different-sized light bulbs rolling around in my car, taking up space in the cup holders. I live in an old Victorian house which has multiple light fixtures containing different sized bulbs. At my last trip to the hardware store, I was told that certain bulbs can withstand vibration and bring in higher wattage because the filament is stronger. These are used in ceiling fans for example. I learned that the brightness of the bulb is not about the casing but the quality of the filament inside. This gave me the idea that helps explain energy and light in my work as a clairvoyant reader and teacher.
Imagine that each of us is a lightbulb with a filament, our nervous system along the spine, that allows us to take in 40 Watts, 60 Watts, 120 Watts or even 1000 Watts of light frequency. Light represents pure information and the truth that we are really beings of light in this illusionary human experience.
As spiritual seekers, we resonate frequently with powerful new truths and understandings and must upgrade our filament from 60 watts to a 1000 watts or higher. This feels and vibrates as energy, joy, enthusiasm and love. Over time, we vibrate naturally at a higher wattage. People in our lives who choose to remain at the lower, 60 watts will not be able to handle the new frequency or wattage of light the spiritual seeker puts out. Their filaments are limited and they could "blow a fuse." They can resist our changes by being skeptical or not wanting to join us in our new level of enthusiasm.
The truth is that you only create what you are ready to receive. Some people win large amounts of money and lose it all in a month because they can't really "have" it in the body. You may meet the person of your dreams, but sabotage the relationship quickly as you “can’t handle it.”
How do we increase our wattage to bring in more creativity and manifest our dreams through our body? We must support and build our filament, or nervous system, so it can take on more. What would it take for you to bring in a higher wattage of light and prepare yourself for receiving all you dream of?
Steps to Increase your Wattage:
1. Become resilient. Think of yourself as a light house, a beacon, or a lantern lighting the way. You glow and grow from the inside out. Close your eyes and imagine the filament along your spine. You imagine and feel your nervous system, taking on light --1000 watts, even 10,000 watts of joy!
As a way-shower, you don't take it personally when someone with an underdeveloped filament of 60 watts rejects your help or your new understandings. They are not prepared to receive the level of light information which you offer. Know there are other people who are ready to receive you as you hold your light in new friendships and situations.
2. Listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs for support to receive your dreams. It often needs certain nutrients and exercise and love.
3. Spend time doing something that brings you joy. Learn something new, listen to an inspiring lecture or watch an inspiring movie.
3.Memorize and repeat a personal affirmation. I am happy and grateful that I am now a receiver of light and each day my filament is enhanced to bring in more love and understandings.
4. Seek out enlightened conversation and people. When you are in the presence of someone else’s bright light, your filament is enhanced because we naturally match others and learn to raise our light capacity. A clairvoyant reading is a communication geared towards raising your vibration.
5. Be generous. When you give away light in the frequency of love, you open yourself up to receive light and increase your wattage.
As a way-shower, you don't take it personally when someone with an underdeveloped filament of 60 watts rejects your help or your new understandings. They are not prepared to receive the level of light information which you offer. Know there are other people who are ready to receive you as you hold your light in new friendships and situations.
2. Listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs for support to receive your dreams. It often needs certain nutrients and exercise and love.
3. Spend time doing something that brings you joy. Learn something new, listen to an inspiring lecture or watch an inspiring movie.
3.Memorize and repeat a personal affirmation. I am happy and grateful that I am now a receiver of light and each day my filament is enhanced to bring in more love and understandings.
4. Seek out enlightened conversation and people. When you are in the presence of someone else’s bright light, your filament is enhanced because we naturally match others and learn to raise our light capacity. A clairvoyant reading is a communication geared towards raising your vibration.
5. Be generous. When you give away light in the frequency of love, you open yourself up to receive light and increase your wattage.