Wednesday, April 11, 2018

5 Signs that Your Spirit is Awakening

Welcome to Spring! Like this Terrapin Turtle, it's time to awaken out of hibernation, and get going. I've been teaching clairvoyance for over 30 years. Awakening to your spiritual self is a lot like this turtle emerging from a deep dark place of hibernation. You find there is a whole new world available to you!

I have learned to "spot" when someone is truly shifting and developing their intuition by the questions they ask and the way they integrate their new awareness into their lives. The true development of your intuition is not about communicating with ghosts or finding yourself spontaneously predicting the future. These capabilities are the junior moments of your intuitive awakening. They are merely the beginning.
You will find that you open up to a world that is far larger than you thought possible, an experience beyond the limitations of the personality into the greatness of who you really are. Where do you think your search for purpose comes from? Your desire to be of service? This isn't the idle dreams of the ego self, it is the bigger picture, the soul awakening. 

5 Signs that Your Spirit is Awakening
  1. You used to have very obvious psychic insights. These have started to fade and you worry if you still have them. Truth is they haven’t faded they’ve integrated.
  2. You see through others. This is becoming spookily easy and you begin to wonder if you’ll have any friends left. Friendships, connections, relationships, are going through an authentic moment. You’ll deepen your true relationships into life-long connections. The superficial ones will fade.
  3. You are more neutral - things and people don’t bother you in the way they used to and you laugh more. 
  4. You no longer ask “what’s going to happen to me?” You are asking about the nature of your current experience, tuning in to the present moment and enjoying the pleasure you get from seeing the world unfold as you asked or intended. You want feedback or validation for your experiences rather than answers. 
  5. You realize you are no longer a victim, affected by the world, but you are the one affecting your world. You no longer want someone to give you all the answers. You no longer believe everything that is told to you in your family, the media and school. You become a true seeker. 

Ultimately, you become a “pilgrim” seeking your own answers using a proper filter to take in insights from others and align it with your own understandings, allowing some information to fit and other information to fall away. 

We are all here to find this “sweet spot” of being a pilgrim or seeker on our path - integrating our experiences and insights into a miraculous life.