Monday, November 22, 2010

What Do You See in the Mirror?

I recently watched the Sorcerers Stone and was reminded of all the impressive psychic tools J.K. Rowling employs in her Harry Potter books. In this first story, Harry wanders into a secret room at the Hogwarts School of Magic and finds the beautiful “Mirror of Erised” (Desire spelled backward).

When you peer into it, it magically shows your reflection enjoying your heart’s deepest desire. Harry sees himself standing with his deceased parents and feeling truly loved and accepted. It is so real to him that he reaches for them and speaks with them. They seem to hear him and smile lovingly back at him. His friend Ron sees himself as the class president of Hogwarts, powerful and important. The images in the mirror are so real that many people get mesmerized and cannot pull themselves away from it. They fall in love with this image of their greatest selves.

The head wizard, Dumbledore, explains to Harry that a happy man will stare into the mirror and only see himself as if it is an ordinary mirror. He is seeing himself just as he is. How would this mirror of Erised work for you? What would you see in this mirror?

The concept of this mirror can be used as a clairvoyant tool for manifestation.

In order to manifest what you want such as love, abundance, or success, you must become the person demonstrating the qualities who can receive those things. For example, to manifest love, you must display qualities that allow you to receive love, such as openness, acceptance, and receptivity.

Your imaginative part of the brain is the frontal lobe.
To use this magical mirror, you must use your imagination. Your ability to imagine something beyond the external reality activates a part of your brain called the frontal lobe, which also contains the ability to change your thoughts. The frontal lobe in the center of the forehead corresponds to your sixth chakra or clairvoyant ability. Your changed thoughts create a new attitude, which then changes your way of being in the world.

When activated, the frontal lobe enhances your ability to:
• make dreams, goals, and intent more real than external circumstances.
• concentrate and exclude your surroundings.
• stay present with self and internal thoughts.
It is activated when you visualize and ask new questions. With conscious use of the frontal lobe or sixth chakra, your brain creates new neural networks and a whole new you!

Mental Rehearsing – a technique for manifestation.

Joe Dispenza in his book
Evolve Your Brain refers to this conscious rewiring of the brain using visualization and questions as Mental Rehearsing. Your thoughts will naturally go to creating a vision of you that is totally different. This will ultimately create new neural connections in the brain. You will notice that the task of speculation blocks out all other thoughts as your brain uses its imagination to seek new answers.

Steps to Begin:
1. Find a comfortable chair in a quiet place and close your eyes.
2. See your own beautiful Mirror of Erised.
3. In the mirror, see your most ideal vision of yourself smiling back at you.
4. While staring into the mirror, ask yourself the following based on what you desire.
• What if I was…, what would I look like?
• What would my life look like if…?
• Who do I know that exemplifies these qualities? What do they look like?
• What situations in my life did I experience this feeling before? What did I look like then?
• What do I already know about or have just learned that I can apply in the next moment?
5. Continue asking questions and revising this vision of yourself. See yourself talking with people, acting in the world, and encountering your day.
6. Stand up when you feel you are that version of yourself in the mirror.

Become mesmerized with the Mirror of Erised
You can consult the mirror of Erised in the morning to envision and charge your day. Then throughout the day, as situations arise that cause you to be less than your ideal self, you can see yourself in the “mirror” as often as needed. For example, before and after a difficult phone call, see the mirror with your reflection of your ideal self involved in the conversation. It is important in this technique to fall in love with looking at this vision of your ideal self. Be tempted to look into it frequently. Practice a full 30 minutes to one hour each day.

You become an observer of your life.
Using this technique often will allow you to take charge of your imagination to develop new thoughts, new attitudes and then a different way of being in the world. “If the mind and body are aligned, we have the force of the Universe behind us. … When we use mental rehearsal on a regular basis, we become someone else to the point that when we finish, we are a new person with new thoughts and mannerisms.” Joe Dispenza

Like Harry Potter, you can stare into your own magical Mirror of Erised. You can fall in love with this new image and see it whenever you can. Love becomes the only emotion associated with this vision of self. Use this mirror technique to break free of survival and reactivity-based thinking and move into a proactive, playful life. Eventually, you will be like the happy man who sees only himself in the magical mirror. -- Tori Quisling

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Whose Thoughts Are You Thinking?

The Importance of Meditation
Why is it important to meditate everyday? Would you question brushing your teeth or taking a shower daily? Meditation cleans and clears you in the same way.

Meditation allows you to:

•Go beyond the static of your mind’s thoughts and the thoughts of others to what is true.

•Say “hello” to your true self – the part of you that is eternal that joins with the vibration of the Universe that ultimately guides you in your life.

•Clean the lens of your spiritual perception.

•Establish a strong connection with your inner voice, vision and hearing.

Steps for your practice:

1)Be in Kindergarten.
Come to your meditation with a “beginner’s mind.” Spirit is play, joy and non-judgment of yourself and others. It is the ego that wants to tell you “I know this already, I’m bored, I don’t need this, I’m too tired.” Each moment is new and you are becoming more of who you are in each second. The ego holds on to the old paradigm with these distracting or sabotaging thoughts. When these thoughts come up – just see them as separate from you – be amused and “bust “ the game.

2)Listen with deep alertness.
With your eyes closed, see out in front you a beautiful place in nature, such as a mountain meadow, beach, or waterfall scene. Imagine that you are now sitting in that setting. You know that you are waiting for a visit from a very important spirit in the form of an animal – one that is connected to your heart. You sit patiently waiting knowing that this is the meeting place. When you see this animal spirit, take note of the type of animal and how you feel connected. Listen to the message it has for you. Be open to all ways you can receive this vital communication. Thank it for its information and know that is always with you and there to serve you in your practice.

3)Forgive and release resentments.
This is extremely important as a cleansing each day. You are creating worlds with your thoughts. When these are made of judgments and non-forgiveness, they are dark and foreboding. Instead, start to see a vision of a beautiful light – a doorway that is opening up with a piercing light pouring through. Choose to walk through this doorway and, as you pass through, let all resentments dissolve in the doorway to this world of light and truth.

I teach meditation techniques in my Clairvoyant Development classes each week. Students in my classes practice with my guided meditation CD called – “Find Your Space.”

Monday, September 13, 2010

See More, Be More!

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” – Albert Einstein

Fall in New York is an interesting time for someone from California. I am anticipating the great show of leaves – changing colors, dying and then falling resulting in the sad loss of the beautiful green foliage. Instead of the mountains, NY has the glorious green trees. There will be merely “twigs” for 4 or 5 months. By February, I will begin to imagine the leaves coming back and within a few weeks, all the green leaves are miraculously returned in abundance. What in the trees creates the next wave of abundance? The trees have a pattern of creating and destroying and then creating again. There is an organized plan that keeps systems running and then shuts them down. What is the key to getting the system up and running again? I know I am sending pictures to the trees but what is inside the trees that envision their next awakening? Do we also have something in us that takes us to our next higher level?

Imaginal Cells
Lately, there have been new discoveries about these natural processes. A biologist, Bruce Lipton has discussed “Imaginal Cells” as a key in evolutionary processes. He describes these specialized cells as having the ability to imagine and believes they are actually responsible for the natural evolutionary process in nature. He claims this phenomenon is part of “spontaneous evolution” and extends it into an explanation of our own lives and civilization. These Imaginal Cells have the intention to take the organism to its highest potential, to create something that is entirely different from its surroundings or what it has been before. He gives the example of a healthy, hungry caterpillar with its bodily systems highly functioning. Suddenly the caterpillar stops eating which starts the breakdown of its digestive and the circulatory systems. It is at this point that new cells begin to form called “Imaginal Cells.” These cells begin to take over to re-organize the next phase of the butterfly, which is just in its imaginary form. What appears to be dying or shutting down is actually a profound new creation –first found in the Imaginal Cells and then realized as the butterfly.

The Imaginal Cells are already working in our bodies.
In the same way as the caterpillar, our own lives are being transformed. The chaos of our surroundings is a time for the old systems that no longer serve to break down and the Imaginal Cells in our bodies to take over. They are already doing their job – it is our opportunity to have faith in them and to recognize this movement into the next phase. We often have no idea what this next phase in our lives will look like. (The caterpillar looks nothing like the butterfly). Through clairvoyant meditation, we can connect and nurture this new creation or phase of ourselves. We can begin to see and be excited for what is next. Doubt, uncertainty and fear often delay the process. (Imagine if the caterpillar doubted what was happening and resisted!)

Tune-in to these Imaginal Cells
The Imaginal Cells are part of the divine plan to assist the trees and the butterflies in expressing themselves to their highest unique potential and serve the planet by providing oxygen and pollination. I believe these Imaginal Cells work the same way in us, helping to create our ideal selves. We can tune in to our next potential easier through opening up to our clairvoyance in meditation and by consciously releasing old habits, relationships and areas in our lives that no longer serve. Your highest potential self is naturally being created inside you, pulling you to it.

Try this: Imagine Your Ideal Self

*Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet on the floor.

*Close your eyes and imagine a full-length mirror out in front of you.

*Intend to see your ideal self smiling back at you.

*Notice what you are wearing and how you are holding your body with confidence,

*Notice the place behind you in the mirror - a beautiful living room, a hotel lobby in Hawaii…and who is in the scene behind you.

*As you look at yourself in this scene really know and take on the feeling of that vision as you. (It is you – your Imaginal Cells are bringing it forward.)

*Next, see yourself leaving the mirror and going to speak to people as your ideal self.

*What are you saying, how does your voice sound- note the smile in your voice and on your face. You are confident, amused and neutral. You may not know where you are or it just may be a feeling. Continue enjoying this vision, extending it into your ideal day. Walk yourself through your ideal day until you feel you are that person when you stand up from your chair.

The key to change is to imagine yourself a different person from the one you were when you sat down in the chair.
You are nurturing these Imaginal Cells – working with them rather than against them. Throughout the day, you will notice when you are not being your ideal self. The more you do this, the more your actions and feelings resemble your intentions.

You may broaden this concept of the Imaginal Cells to our civilization, which is showing signs of breaking down. Be an Imaginal Cell for the organism of our civilization – holding a vision and ushering in the next evolution of our planet. We are all microcosms of the whole.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Reading is Power!

Many people learn to do readings in a clairvoyant development class not to become a professional psychic, but to gain benefits in their daily lives.

You Find the Center of Your Head.
The beginning component of clairvoyant development is fostering a new relationship with the center of your head - a magical place of amusement, clarity and neutrality. A Clairvoyant Development class trains you to communicate and experience the world from this special place by performing readings on others.

You take yourself to a higher place.
Once you realize that your spirit has a relationship with your body, moving out of present time and into other people and places, you also learn that your spirit occupies certain parts of your body to interpret the world. Throughout the day, we are being sympathetic in the second chakra (sad and moody), solving a problem from the third chakra (effort and whining) or pleasing others from the fourth chakra (worried and anxious). Clairvoyant Readings allow you to develop a new habit of moving out of the lower chakras to access the world through the center of your head or sixth chakra. This is an unemotional place containing only amusement and neutrality.

You become a better communicator.
Having a clairvoyant perspective allows you to see the truth of any situation and stay neutral and amused. It also allows you to heal others just through your words. Rather than agreeing with someone’s problem or giving advice, you communicate a vision of them as more whole and healed. (“I see you eating healthy food and feeling better.”)You move out of the sympathetic space of seeing them as a victim. Instead you become a witness to them as a capable spirit going through a growth period. The other person is free to see this vision with you and release their emotions without worrying about your feelings.

You experience a powerful meditation space.
For at least one hour, you intend to be in present time, amused and saying hello to another spirit from the center of your head. You are practicing the clairvoyant tools in action. You are not thinking about your own “stuff.” The more you experience this centering and neutrality, the more you become aware of when you are not there during your daily life. You begin to gain the confidence that you can bring yourself back to this center whenever you want, in full certainty and amusement.

You let go of limiting beliefs.
Often, when you are looking at beliefs and situations that create limits in someone else’s life, you realize you have matching “pictures. “ As you communicate to the readee, you can see these limits and beliefs more clearly in your own life and use your clairvoyant tools to move past them with neutrality and amusement. All along, you are gaining certainty that you can use clairvoyance in your own life.

Try this: Find the Center of Your Head
*Sit down and close your eyes.
*Smile and bring your attention inward.
*Place one finger at the center of your forehead just above the eyes and between the eyebrows.
*Place the finger of the other hand on the back of your head parallel to the front finger.
*Postulate that you are now in between these two fingers - in the center of your head.
(Rest your hands)
*Imagine a room in the center of your head that is comfortable and inviting. You want to live in this space of amusement and neutrality.
*You may need to vacuum out the debris of old pictures and thoughts. Just imagine this is happening effortlessly.
*Feel free to decorate the room including a comfortable chair.
* Dance around your room or sit and enjoy this new space, knowing that this is just for you.
*You may return to this place anytime you find yourself worried, sad, confused or serious.
*Make it fresh and new each time you visit.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Is Your Heart As Light As a Feather?

Is your heart as light as a feather?

Often we don't notice how little we are able to see the people around us.

We may commonly only notice the physical appearance and behavior of the people in our daily lives. We may complain that they are too closed-minded, negative and insensitive. These opinions or judgments create heaviness in our hearts preventing us from seeing and saying hello to others on a spiritual level.

You become more clairvoyant the more you release judgment.

When you are in judgment, it takes away your ability to “see” others clearly and have compassion. Each soul is on an evolutionary journey. Rather than compassion for this person’s challenges, we project thoughts onto or about that person that negates the value of that person’s essence. Compassion is the ability to “see” the other person as a capable, whole being facing challenges on their spiritual path. It is the ability to keep an open, neutral heart and vision of them.

The Ancient Egyptians knew that judgmental thoughts, attitudes and actions created a heavy heart.

The Ancient Egyptians believed the heart was the center of the soul’s memory, emotion and thoughts. They knew it grew heavy with negative thoughts. As immortal beings, they knew they would need a light heart to move on to the next level of spiritual awareness. According to The Book of the Dead, upon death, the heart was weighed on the scales of justice against the feather of Ma’at. They believed that if the heart was heavier than the feather, it would be eaten immediately by Ammut the Devourer, a crocodile-lion monster. Once the heart was eaten, the soul would cease to exist. Thus, heaviness of the heart was greatly feared. Good deeds and positive thoughts kept the heart light and the soul alive.

In order to ensure a light heart, Ancient Egyptians often visualized their heart on a scale with the feather, always in balance.

This picture was painted on tombs to guarantee their soul’s survival. They also used a protective scarab beetle amulet inscribed with a prayer asking the heart to not betray any heaviness to the Keeper of Balance.

For Practice Now:

*Close your eyes and visualize your heart being weighed on a scale against a feather.

* If it is not balanced, see the color in your heart that represents the heaviness.

*Create lightness in your heart with the words “peace” and “love” “forgiveness” and allow any heaviness in the form of that color to release from the heart.

*Now see it balanced and notice the color of your heart at its lightest state.

*Think about someone and the judgments you have about them. Watch your heart respond.

*Watch the scales tip. Sometimes a long way!

*See the weight as a color on your heart – that’s the judgment!

*Imagine that you can erase that color off the heart with the words “peace” and “harmony” and scales go into balance with that color of balance your first saw.

* You are creating a healing.

*Practice saying words such as love, peace and harmony as you look at your heart.

The Universe does not allow “side” thoughts, every word produces heaviness or lightness in the heart. Your heart is ultra-sensitive and responds to every word. Fear, lack, worry, anger produce heaviness, while non-dual thoughts of love, joy, peace produce lightness.

From this activity, you realize that non-forgiveness and judgment hurt you more than it hurts anyone else. (Scientists have found that these words create actual inflammation in the heart tissue.)

When you stop judging yourself and others, you begin to “see” them for the valuable spirits having a human experience. This allows for compassion, a light heart and a clear vision.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Learn to "See" Again!

What is it like to "see" clairvoyantly? Actually, you are accessing this powerful ability all the time, just not aware of it as a talent that can affect your life. Clairvoyance is the visualizing or imaging ability we have located in the front of the forehead, just above the eyes. This ability allows us to see truth and clarity because there are no emotions attached.

To use it, you must hold your attention on an image (best with your eyes closed) and be open to whatever you see. Often we see images with our eyes open when we are talking to someone - the other person's load of laundry they are complaining about or their new lover - and sometimes a disturbing idea may come to us about this person's home life. Either way, clairvoyance is activated by conversations, images or ideas that come to our awareness.

The key to begin "seeing" again is to talk about what you experience using visual words. We often feel we don't have permission to say what we see, so it just becomes a feeling we hold onto. When you develop a feeling about something, acknowledge the feeling your body is giving you as if you are a scientist reading a powerful, highly sensitive data collection instrument (which it is). Rather than worrying about the feeling or taking it on as a "problem," locate the feeling in your body (perhaps your stomach area) and with your hand imagine that you are pulling it up to the center of your forehead just above your eyes. With a smile and your eyes closed, imagine that feeling has turned into a colored rose on a screen out in front of you. Now describe what you see - the color and what happens to the rose as you watch it. Describe the feeling with visual words - "I see fear," "I notice heaviness and sadness" "I observe a tightness or it looks trapped or weak." You begin to "see" again when your feelings become observations -using words that keep you in your clairvoyance or neutral space. You can use these visual words in your conversations to keep neutral. Giving advice in this visual form is more effective as well. Rather than "You should take better care of yourself," you can say "I see you taking better care of yourself as you come in contact with healthy people." The first statement comes from the 3rd chakra, solar plexus and the second statement comes from the 6th chakra, clairvoyance. Try it out and you will begin to "see" again.

A clairvoyant class is a place to experiment with your imaging abilities and talk about all that you see from a safe and amused space. You build confidence and certainty to affect your world using your clairvoyance or ability to see and say the truth. Only the truth sets you free - whatever you deny will hold you back from knowing and healing yourself and others.
--Tori Quisling, March 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Be Bold! Speak with Vision!

What kind of pictures do you create when you speak about your life? An easy way to access your clairvoyance is to notice the pictures you see in conversations. When I ask "How's it going?" I am often shocked when I hear someone tell me --"I am udner a pile of bill right now" or " I"m scraping the bottom of the barrel." For relationships I've heard "He left me just like all the others" or "It's a Sahara Desert out there." These are vivid pictures of their experiences that I am being asked to observe and agree with.

You can improve your clairvoyance just be becoming more aware of seeing the pictures created in your daily conversations! We consciously and unconsciously create pictures and feelings with our language. A conversation enlists the other person in your emotions, visions, and advice. Often the other person will sympathize, feel, or see it with you, reinforcing what you are creating (good or bad) in your life. With awareness and training, you can begin to "speak the things you want into existence."

Create bold language that matches the pictures you want people to see about you. Choose to use phrases like: "Opportunities are coming my way" or "I am moving in a new direction right now with so much freedom, anything wonderful can happen!"

You can speak in pictures that match the visions of your life goals and enlist others in seeing this too! Conversations are a tell tale sign of the pictures you are choosing to see and show others. The words we use to describe our lives form pictures for others to see. It takes courage to use the words that match our desires - especially if they have not appeared in the material form yet.

Choose the pictures that are different - not ordinary- but inspired and surprising. Say it and it becomes true.
"You do not describe what you see - you see what you describe. Then you become willing to be it." --Michael Bernard Beckwith

When someone asks you how it's going, be excited for the opportunity to demonstrate and practice being bold and speaking your new world into existence. It's a game! Intend in the conversation to show the other person pictures of your vision, inspirations and dreams: "My schedule is filling up so fast I will have to hire a secretary soon!" You give the chance for your subconscious mind to search for the ways to make this happen. You also enlist the other person in "seeing" this for you as well. It's a new pattern and way of thinking that creates the new opportunities! In this same way, notice the pictures others are showing and make a practice of only validating the ones that promote their dreams.