Many people learn to do readings in a clairvoyant development class not to become a professional psychic, but to gain benefits in their daily lives.
You Find the Center of Your Head.
The beginning component of clairvoyant development is fostering a new relationship with the center of your head - a magical place of amusement, clarity and neutrality. A Clairvoyant Development class trains you to communicate and experience the world from this special place by performing readings on others.
You take yourself to a higher place.
Once you realize that your spirit has a relationship with your body, moving out of present time and into other people and places, you also learn that your spirit occupies certain parts of your body to interpret the world. Throughout the day, we are being sympathetic in the second chakra (sad and moody), solving a problem from the third chakra (effort and whining) or pleasing others from the fourth chakra (worried and anxious). Clairvoyant Readings allow you to develop a new habit of moving out of the lower chakras to access the world through the center of your head or sixth chakra. This is an unemotional place containing only amusement and neutrality.
You become a better communicator.
Having a clairvoyant perspective allows you to see the truth of any situation and stay neutral and amused. It also allows you to heal others just through your words. Rather than agreeing with someone’s problem or giving advice, you communicate a vision of them as more whole and healed. (“I see you eating healthy food and feeling better.”)You move out of the sympathetic space of seeing them as a victim. Instead you become a witness to them as a capable spirit going through a growth period. The other person is free to see this vision with you and release their emotions without worrying about your feelings.
You experience a powerful meditation space.
For at least one hour, you intend to be in present time, amused and saying hello to another spirit from the center of your head. You are practicing the clairvoyant tools in action. You are not thinking about your own “stuff.” The more you experience this centering and neutrality, the more you become aware of when you are not there during your daily life. You begin to gain the confidence that you can bring yourself back to this center whenever you want, in full certainty and amusement.
You let go of limiting beliefs.
Often, when you are looking at beliefs and situations that create limits in someone else’s life, you realize you have matching “pictures. “ As you communicate to the readee, you can see these limits and beliefs more clearly in your own life and use your clairvoyant tools to move past them with neutrality and amusement. All along, you are gaining certainty that you can use clairvoyance in your own life.
Try this: Find the Center of Your Head
*Sit down and close your eyes.
*Smile and bring your attention inward.
*Place one finger at the center of your forehead just above the eyes and between the eyebrows.
*Place the finger of the other hand on the back of your head parallel to the front finger.
*Postulate that you are now in between these two fingers - in the center of your head.
(Rest your hands)
*Imagine a room in the center of your head that is comfortable and inviting. You want to live in this space of amusement and neutrality.
*You may need to vacuum out the debris of old pictures and thoughts. Just imagine this is happening effortlessly.
*Feel free to decorate the room including a comfortable chair.
* Dance around your room or sit and enjoy this new space, knowing that this is just for you.
*You may return to this place anytime you find yourself worried, sad, confused or serious.
*Make it fresh and new each time you visit.
Tori - really enjoyed the lesson there at the end! I like my new room...