Friday, May 8, 2009

How Does a Clairvoyant Reading Work?

A Clairvoyant Reading occurs when a person sits in a chair across from you, goes into a light trance state and tells you about your energy. The person is purposely using their clairvoyance - the ability in the sixth chakra (center of the forehead) to see images and colors  on a "screen" inside the head.  Clairvoyance means to "see clearly" with amusement and neutrality.

Seeing on a clairvoyant level is the ability to see energy in the form of colors and mental image pictures in the aura, the energy field around the body. The aura is the person's own universe and revealed within it are all of the reasons, history and motivations for their actions. Often the unconscious mind is easily revealed within the aura. By looking at your aura, the clairvoyant can see what is happening with you on an energy level. This, in turn, reflects what is happening with you in your physical environment. An experienced  clairvoyant reader can read the colors in your aura and tell you what they mean at the present time. The clairvoyant also reads the mental image pictures you have stored in each of the seven layers of your aura to interpret your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state of affairs. In addition, she is able to see when someone ( a friend, relative, lover)  is influencing your personal reality and help you move them out of the way. 

Readings often allow a person to validate their own reality as well as receive new, fascinating and reliable information with which to improve their life.  A clairvoyant reader does not solve problems or tell a person what to do, but merely informs them of what they are doing with their energy. This information can allow the person to make a decision or create something new with their energy. Old images and beliefs that were not serving them can be released and healing and spiritual growth can occur instantaneously.

*An aura reading can be performed out of trance using tarot cards, the palm or other visual tool.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What is a psychic reading?

What is a psychic reading? Often people confuse fortune-telling with clairvoyant readings. Fortune telling perpetuates the concept that some outside force creates your reality and you are helplessly waiting to receive your fate. A clairvoyant reading is a spiritual "hello" - spirit to spirit communication that comes from the sixth chakra (center of the head), a place of amusement and neutrality.  You are a capable, creative being of light continuously receiving messages to guide you on your spiritual path. As your body absorbs ideas, beliefs, concerns and interests of others you may experience confusion and often lack of energy and clarity. This is simply because your body does not have room to bring in your own energy and answers when it is stuck with this "foreign energy."  When you find yourself in the middle of doubt, fear and uncertainty, a clairvoyant can see through and communicate to your spirit and help you gain clarity.  A reading can help you gain a validation of the power of your spirit to create a healing - a shift in energy - and take control of the original vision or spiritual path you intended at birth. Your aura or energetic self surrounding your physical body contains all your answers as well as the obstacles to seeing clearly. As you get communication about these energies in your aura, your spirit begins to release and remove these, creating open spaces in the body for your own highest life force energy and answers  to come in. A clairvoyant reading can "enlighten" your body - allow you to open spaces to bring in more of your own light energy and information. A clairvoyant hello can confirm the path you are on and help release obstacles that have arisen from living a  life entangled in a variety of relationships and beliefs. When your spirit is spoken to directly, it gains strength above the limiting beliefs, experiencing the ideal self that can manifest the vision and receive messages and steps to lead you on your path.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Your Psychic Self

Why is it important to learn about your psychic self? Because you are experiencing it all the time whether you are aware of it or not. You are a spirit having a human experience. Your body is a fine -tuned instrument of awareness on multiple levels of sensitivity. The body contains intelligent energy centers (chakras) which contain their own spiritual or psychic  abilities through which your spirit  expresses itself. Each day your body "lights up" with emotions generated through the interactions with others, beginning a steady communication with the spirit. The body sends sensations in the form of emotions up to the spirit and the spirit responds with images or "pictures "to the body. When the spirit sends these images back to the body often they perpetuate the bad feelings rather than reassure or heal. When you learn about your psychic self you can become empowered as a spirit to heal the body of its constant struggle with energy that creates uncomfortable emotions. You realize that you are sensitive to energy on many levels - reading and healing others unconsciously - and can use visual tools that can give the body reassurance and healing.