Monday, August 13, 2012

Call Back Your Light

“May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Do you crave sunshine? It is common for us to take advantage of all the sunlight in the summer by going to the beach or gardening or exercising outside and then yearning for it again in the winter. 

Light is a force as necessary for our bodies as water, sleep and food. Actually, the eyes take in light, not only for visual purposes, but as “fuel” for the entire body, just as the lungs do with air and oxygen. When people are deprived of light, with sudden blindness for example, they are surprisingly weakened, not only with disorientation but a real lack of energy in the body. They must let the body adjust to bringing in light through the skin for several weeks before they can walk again. 

This visible light which is so necessary for our bodies to live is only a fraction of the full light spectrum and the light our body truly craves. Our body craves the light of the invisible spectrum which contains our spirit, or life force energy. When your body and spirit come together, we say we are “enlightened” and we actually feel lighter. When your body is receiving your spiritual light,  you feel the emotions of love, joy, inspiration, gratitude and enthusiasm.  When the body is not consciously receiving this light of the soul, you are experiencing depression, sadness and lack. We are truly alive with purpose when we are enlightened by the invisible light of our spirit. 

You can energize your body by consciously bringing in the invisible light of your spirit. It is available to you whenever you need it.

As a being made of light, you spread yourself out in the form of thoughts and conversations and  have left bits of yourself as light in people, places, situations,problems and even in the past or the future. You can call this back to you at anytime. It is only useful as an energy source in your body. 

Try this for an instant energy boost:  

Imagine a powerful magnet over your head with your name on it. Postulate that this magnet draws back your light or highest creative life force energy from all the people, places, situations, problems, past and future where you have left it. This is actually your spirit in the form of invisible light you can only see in your inner eye or imagination. 

This light comes back to you as a golden sun over your head. Reach up,  and with a smile, welcome this sunlight as it floods through your body, filling up all the spaces of your body that feel heavy or lacking. 

Feel yourself lighten up! Imagine that you are surrounded by this golden light, your body feels energized with enthusiasm, appreciation and joy. Open your eyes and continue to see this bright light surrounding you. More “golden suns” are available to you anytime you need a boost.